My First Pitch Wars Book Recommendations

25 Mar

A long, long time ago in a headspace that feels far, far away, I promised I would write about some of the books whose journeys’ I’ve been so fortunate to be a part of through Pitch Wars. It’s time to make good on my promise. Or at least begin. I haven’t used this space for recommending books before but, to be honest, it’s more fun than writing about writing. Especially now as the muse and I don’t commune very often these days.

It was a joy and honor to beta read for other writers in Pitch Wars. We were all hopeful and all working toward the same goal. We cheered each others’ victories and empathized with each others’ sadness when things didn’t go so well. As I read, there were books I knew–KNEW–would find representation and land on bookshelves someday. My instincts about others’ writing (at least) is something I still have confidence in, and I’m happy to say my instinct has been proven correct over and over again.

Herewith, two of the books I loved and believe you will, too.

FORGET ME NOT by Ellie Terry

Ellie and I beta read for each other very, very early on, and it felt like serendipity because our characters actually had a lot in common and we had some common themes in our stories. Her story was unique, and different from mine, in other ways. Two standouts: 1) the book was written half in verse and 2) her main character has Tourette syndrome. The way she wove those two facts together blew me away. You see, the half written in verse was from her main character, Calliope June’s, point of view. Poetry was the perfect vehicle to show Calliope June’s tics as well as her thoughts and fears. The other half, from the point of view of her new friend, Jinsong, who struggles to face the social pressure that comes with being her friend, is in prose. Each fits the voice of their respective character perfectly. This book is beautiful in it’s simplicity and deeply empathetic and realistic portrayal of fear and the power of friendship.



This story has something I love – a deliciously creepy feeling. Set in London, it already feels like an intriguing adventure even before the paintings come to life. But when they do–watch out! As Bryony’s family secret unfolds and she races to save herself and the terrorized people of London, you will be on the edge of your seat. It is quite a feat to create a story that is immediately relatable and entertaining to a young audience yet weaves in fine art, classic literature and history. I knew when I read it, this book had that magic combination that would entrance agents, editors and readers alike.


Both of these books can be ordered at Amazon (via the links in the headings or book cover photos) or through other booksellers online or in your neighborhood. If you prefer to use the library, ask them to order a copy if they don’t already have one in their inventory.

If you enjoy book recommendations, I promise to return with more. Soon.

2 Responses to “My First Pitch Wars Book Recommendations”

  1. Tiana (The Book Raven) July 16, 2018 at 3:48 am #

    Forget me not sounds amazing! I am going to check it out!

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